
  • Simplified : 致
  • Traditional :
  • Pronunciation : zhì
  • Definition : fine and close
  • : incur | lead to
  • : unanimous | identical (views or opinions)
  • : work for | devote one's efforts to
  • : delicacy
  • : fatal | mortal | deadly | to sacrifice one's life
  • : pathogenic | causes disease
  • : (n) thank-you
  • 使 : cause | result in
  • : greet
  • : send a letter
  • : see 致词
  • : carcinogenous | to cause cancer
  • : more or less | roughly | approximately
  • : unusual, unique
  • : Peugeot
  • : to such an extent as to | down to | up to
  • : deadly
  • : to lead to | to create | to cause | to bring about
  • : (adj) delicate; fine | careful | meticulous | painstaking
  • : (v) become rich
  • : interest
  • : (v) make a small speech | make some remarks
  • : (v) send a telegram

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No, the tuition fees you have paid cover all costs.There are no additional fees or hidden charges. We strive to be transparent and upfront with our pricing, ensuring that our clients receive the best value for their investment.
We provide a wealth of Chinese teaching materials and learning resources, including but not limited to textbooks, workbooks, listening materials, reading materials, video courses, and online courses.Our teaching materials and resources are carefully selected and designed to meet the learning needs and goals of different learners. At the same time, our teachers will provide personalized teaching and guidance based on the learning characteristics and needs of students to ensure that students can learn and master Chinese language efficiently.
We offer highly flexible class schedules that cater to your needs, with lessons available from 7am to 10pm Beijing time, seven days a week.This allows you to conveniently take lessons at any time and from any location that suits your schedule.
As a first - time student, if you are not completely satisfied with our service, we offer a cancellation policy that allows you to cancel your subscription before the first month. In such cases, we only charge a one - month fee and refund the remaining balance to you as soon as possible.We strive to ensure that our customers are fully satisfied with our service and are committed to providing a hassle - free refund process.
Our learning is different from traditional language learning in a number of ways. Firstly, we use technology to enhance the learning experience and provide personalized learning paths for each student. Secondly, our focus is not just on language proficiency, but also on cultural understanding and practical application of the language.Thirdly, we place a strong emphasis on developing speaking and listening skills, as well as reading and writing.Additionally, we incorporate modern teaching methods and materials, such as multimedia resources and interactive exercises.Finally, our courses are designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing students to learn at their own pace and according to their own schedule.