
- Simplified : 大
- Traditional : 大
- Pronunciation : dà
- Definition : big | huge | large | major | great | wide | deep | oldest | eldest
- 大冶 : (N) Daye (city in Hubei)
- 大堂 : lobby
- 大庸 : (N) Dayong (city in Hunan)
- 大夫 : doctor
- 大意 : general idea | main idea | careless
- 大田 : (N) Taejon (South Korea) | (N) Datian (place in Fujian)
- 大洲 : continents
- 大足 : (N) Dazu (place in Sichuan)
- 大正 : Taishō period
- 放大 : enlarge
- 大蒜 : garlic
- 大肆 : (adv) wantonly; without any constraint
- 大暑 : Dashu
- 大叔 : uncle
- 大使 : an ambassador | an envoy
- 大赦 : amnesty | general pardon
- 大山 : Dashan, Canadian celebrity in China
- 大嫂 : eldest brother's wife | sister-in-law
- 大邱 : Daegu
- 大批 : large quantities of
- 大娘 : (informal) father's older brother's wife; aunt
- 大米 : rice
- 大麻 : hemp | marijuana
- 大鹿 : moose
- 大路 : avenue
- 大量 : great amount | large quantity | numerous
- 大里 : (N) Tali (city in Taiwan)
- 大浪 : billow | surge
- 大局 : general situation | present conditions
- 大街 : street | main street
- 大家 : authority | everyone
- 大夥 : (n) a great number of people or things
- 大湖 : Great Lakes
- 大和 : Yamato
- 大寒 : Dahan
- 大鼓 : (n) bass drum
- 大姑 : husband's older sister; sister-in-law
- 大哥 : eldest brother
- 大概 : roughly | probably | rough | approximate | about
- 大幅 : a big margin | substantially
- 大方 : generous
- 大都 : general | for the most part | on the whole
- 大道 : main street
- 大刀 : Daikatana
- 大吃 : gobble | eat quickly
- 大埔 : (N) Dabu (place in Guangdong)
- 大伯 : husband's older brother; brother-in-law
- 大便 : to defecate | excrement | feces
- 大半 : more than half | greater part | most
- 大阪 : Osaka (city in Japan)
- 大班 : Tai-Pan
- 博大 : enormous | broad | extensive
- 北大 : Peking University (abbrev.)
- 大棒 : big-stick
- 大吉 : very auspicious | extremely lucky
- 大新 : (N) Daxin (place in Guangxi)
- 大小 : dimension | magnitude | size | measurement
- 粗大 : thick | bulky | loud
- 大力 : energetic | vigorous | vigorously
- 大功 : great merit | great service
- 高大 : tall | lofty
- 大潮 : tidal bore | tidal wave
- 大火 : conflagration | large fire
- 大安 : (N) Da'an (city in Jilin)
- 大臣 : chancellor
- 大能 : almighty
- 大名 : (N) Daming (place in Hebei)
- 大地 : earth | mother earth
- 大水 : flood
- 不大 : not very | not too | not often
- 大海 : sea | ocean
- 大事 : a major event | (do something) in a big way
- 人大 : (China) National People's Congress
- 大理 : (N) Dali (place in Yunnan)
- 大人 : adult | grownup
- 大人 : adult | grownup
- 大多 : for the most part | many | most | the greater part | mostly
- 大腿 : thigh
- 庞大 : huge | enormous | tremendous
- 大爷 : (n) show-off
- 大雁 : (n) wild migratory goose
- 浩大 : vast | great | large amount
- 大侠 : knight
- 大喜 : exultation
- 大悟 : (N) Dawu (place in Hubei)
- 宏大 : (adj) great; grand; massive
- 伟大 : great | mighty | large
- 巨大 : huge | immense | very large | tremendous | gigantic | enormous
- 大禹 : Da Yu, name of an ancient hero who successfully controlled floods
- 扩大 : to expand | to enlarge
- 大姚 : (N) Dayao (place in Yunnan)
- 大桶 : barrel | vat
- 大厅 : hall
- 大象 : elephant
- 大竹 : (N) Dazhu (place in Sichuan)
- 大洋 : oceans
- 莫大 : greatest | most important
- 大志 : high aims
- 极大 : enormous
- 大姨 : (informal) wife's elder sister; sister-in-law
- 大雪 : daxue (21st solar term in Chinese lunar calendar)
- 大灾 : plague
- 大众 : people | public | masses
- 哥大 : Columbia University (abbrev.)
- 大余 : (N) Dayu (place in Jiangxi)
- 大致 : more or less | roughly | approximately
- 大同 : (N) Datong (place in Shanxi)
- 宽大 : (adj) spacious | wide | lenient
- 加大 : intensify | enlarge
- 大校 : colonel
- 较大 : comparatively large
- 最大 : biggest | largest | maximum
- 很大 : tremendous
- 多大 : how big | how much | how old | etc.
- 胀大 : swollen
- 大业 : great cause | great undertaking
- 大衣 : overcoat | topcoat | cloak
- 重大 : great | important | major | significant
- 增大 : (v) enlarge | amplify
- 大雨 : heavy rain
- 盛大 : (adj) grand; majestic; great | Shanda Entertainment (PRC company specializing in computer games)
- 大要 : abstract | gist | main points
- 大型 : large scale | wide scale | broad scale
- 壮大 : to expand | to strengthen
- 广大 : vast | extensive
- 长大 : to grow up
- 更大 : bigger | even bigger
- 远大 : (adj) forward looking and ambitious
- 大于 : (idiom) used between nouns to indicate relative size or importance, A is greater than B
- 大体 : in general | on the whole
- 大黄 : rhubarb
- 大兴 : (N) Daxing (place in Beijing)
- 大数 : Tarsus (city)
- 大师 : great master | master
- 大厦 : edifice | mansion
- 大权 : power | authority
- 大庆 : (N) Daqing (city in Heilongjiang)
- 大鹏 : roc (mythical bird of prey)
- 大宁 : (N) Daning (place in Shanxi)
- 大脑 : brain | cerebrum
- 大麦 : barley
- 大妈 : father's elder brother's wife | aunt (affectionate term for an elderly woman)
- 大陆 : continent | mainland (esp. of China) | mainland China
- 大楼 : large building
- 大连 : (N) Dalian (city in Liaoning)
- 大类 : main type | main class | main category
- 大约 : approximately | about
- 大将 : a general or admiral
- 大奖 : (n) grand prix
- 大会 : general assembly | general meeting | convention
- 大环 : Tai Wan (bay in Hong Kong)
- 大号 : tuba
- 大国 : a power (i.e. a dominant country)
- 大纲 : main point | leading principles
- 大声 : loudly | loud
- 大队 : group | a large body of | production brigade
- 大错 : blunder
- 大葱 : onions
- 大肠 : the large intestine
- 大宝 : Taiho (era)
- 大坝 : dam
- 大丰 : (N) Dafeng (place in Jiangsu)
- 大学 : university
- 大卫 : David (person name)
- 强大 : large | formidable | powerful | strong
- 夸大 : exaggerate
- 大举 : carry out a large-scale (military) operation
- 大豆 : soy bean
- 胆大 : daring
- 大胆 : courageous | daring | fearless
- 大关 : (reach a) critical point
- 大选 : general election
- 大顺 : Shun Dynasty
- 大气 : atmosphere
- 大写 : capital letters | block letters
- 大炮 : artillery | cannon
- 大门 : entrance | door | gate
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