
  • Simplified : 加
  • Traditional :
  • Pronunciation : jiā
  • Definition : to add | plus
  • : to make an extra effort | to cheer sb. on
  • : raise salary
  • : (v) work overtime
  • : more (than sth else) | even more
  • : to become a member | to join | to mix into | to participate in | to add in
  • : Gaza
  • : additional | annex
  • : to process | processing | working (of machinery)
  • : addition
  • : to deepen
  • : (n) addendum | (vt) append
  • : all the more | even more | further
  • : (vt) append
  • : (N) Tonga
  • : ply
  • : California
  • : in addition | [before a verb] handle, deal with
  • : sweeten
  • : overtime
  • : to put in | to add | plus | to add on | to add into
  • : Gabon
  • : Ghana
  • : to encrypt | encryption
  • : to become a member of an alliance or union | to align | to join | participate
  • : gallon
  • : widen
  • : to accelerate | to speed up
  • : to intensify | to speed up | to step up
  • : (v) require urgent measures to handle a matter
  • : intensify | enlarge
  • : (N) Jiacha (place in Tibet)
  • : Dunga
  • : to participate | to take part | to join
  • : (vi) geminate | reduplicate | (vt) redouble
  • : make more serious
  • : to raise | to increase
  • : Mecca (the holiest city of Islam)
  • : accelerate | expedite
  • : heating
  • : exert (effort or pressure)
  • : lengthen
  • : aggravate | intensify
  • : impose by force
  • : to reinforce | to strengthen | to increase
  • : Riga (capital of Latvia)

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