
  • Traditional : 美
  • Simplified :
  • Pronunciation : měi
  • Definition : America | beautiful
  • : admire | applause | praise | to eulogize
  • : sweetness
  • : fame | good reputation | famous (for something)
  • : (adj) beautiful (when describing a work of art)
  • : good-looking
  • : Mei Ling (a person's name)
  • : America | American | United States of America | USA
  • : Lomé
  • : delicious | relish
  • : (adj) beautiful and strong
  • : Vanessa-Mae
  • : pleasing to the eye | beautiful | artistic
  • : methylene blue
  • : beautiful
  • : delicious, tasty
  • : the Americas
  • : Japan-US
  • : US-Japan
  • : delicate | fine | refinement
  • : South America
  • : (N) Meigu (place in Sichuan)
  • : Latin America
  • : North America
  • : (n) glamorization | (vt) beautify | landscape
  • : the fine arts | art
  • : a virtue
  • : (policy, etc.) towards America
  • : graceful | fine | elegant
  • : (n) aesthetics
  • : happy | fine | OK
  • : perfect | perfection | perfectly
  • : US army | US armed forces
  • : China-USA
  • : USA-China
  • : (N) Cuomei (place in Tibet)
  • : one cent (United States coin)
  • : American dollar | U.S. dollar
  • : (n) ability to appreciate the arts; aesthetics
  • : beauty | belle
  • 滿 : (adj) happy; blissfull

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