
  • Traditional : 收
  • Simplified :
  • Pronunciation : shōu
  • Definition : to receive | to accept | to collect | in care of (used on address line after name)
  • : levy
  • : absorb | assimilate
  • : earnings | profit
  • : to put in order | to tidy up
  • : reap
  • : receive
  • : (v) reap the fall harvest
  • : to gather | to collect
  • : (n) financial cash flow balance; income and expense
  • : to receive | to accept
  • : levy (fine) | impose (tariff)
  • : hire | recruit
  • : sales | income | revenue
  • : taxation
  • : cash out
  • : adopt | adoption
  • : pull back | shrink | contract
  • : to take in | income | revenue
  • : market close
  • : (v) purchase | (v) bribe
  • : acquisition
  • : to regain | to retake | to take back | to withdraw | to revoke
  • : (v) purchase from various places
  • : recover (lost territory, etc.) | recapture
  • : keep | collect
  • : confiscate
  • : (v) recover and put back to use; recycle
  • : bumper harvest
  • : to listen (to) | to listen (in)
  • : benefit, reward
  • : receipt
  • : fee | charge
  • : harvest
  • : end | winding down
  • : (v) inspect and then accept (i.e. received goods)

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As a first - time student, if you are not completely satisfied with our service, we offer a cancellation policy that allows you to cancel your subscription before the first month. In such cases, we only charge a one - month fee and refund the remaining balance to you as soon as possible.We strive to ensure that our customers are fully satisfied with our service and are committed to providing a hassle - free refund process.
We provide a wealth of Chinese teaching materials and learning resources, including but not limited to textbooks, workbooks, listening materials, reading materials, video courses, and online courses.Our teaching materials and resources are carefully selected and designed to meet the learning needs and goals of different learners. At the same time, our teachers will provide personalized teaching and guidance based on the learning characteristics and needs of students to ensure that students can learn and master Chinese language efficiently.
We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for all new students.If you are not satisfied with our services within the first month, you may cancel your lessons and receive a refund for any unused lessons.We will only charge you for the first month of lessons, and refund the remaining balance to you promptly.Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction with our services, and we strive to provide the highest quality of instruction and support to all of our students.
Before starting any Chinese language course, the teacher will assess your Chinese language proficiency level through a placement test.This helps to determine your current level of understanding and ability in Chinese, and allows the teacher to tailor the course materials and teaching methods to your specific needs and goals. The placement test may include assessments of your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.Based on the results of the test, the teacher will be able to recommend an appropriate course of study for you.
We offer secure and convenient payment options, including PayPal. PayPal is a widely recognized and trusted online payment platform that provides a secure way to make transactions. We also follow industry-standard security protocols to ensure the safety of your personal and financial information.
Our students come from a wide range of ages, from 3 years old to over 80 years old. Our courses are tailored to each student's age and proficiency level to ensure they can receive maximum benefit and progress. Whether you want to learn Chinese as a second language or improve your existing Chinese skills, we can provide you with courses and resources that are suitable for you